项目名称 | Name:一光一影,一期一会 项目地址 | Address:阳光城翡丽湾 项目面积 | Area:120平方米 设计时间 | Time:2020.04 设计主创 | Designer:福建国广一叶 林耀良 主要材料 | Main materials:木饰面 涂料 大理石 以深深的谦虚与忍耐去期待一个豁然贯通的时刻, 像树木似的成熟, 满怀信心地立在春日的暴风雨中, 也不担心后边有没有夏天来到。 夏天终归是会来的。 ——里尔 整个居住空间,布局、流线以屋主的生活习惯去布置优化。 I'm obsessed with details, and I want them to achieve exactly what I want. 设计师说:“我对细节有种执着,想让它们恰好达到我想要的效果。” - 阳光的碎屑,洒落慵懒的梦。 变成星星的絮语,轻轻吻着你的耳。 - 阳光洒进客厅,取一本书静静品读,或慵懒地蜷缩在沙发里,或优雅地坐落在单椅上,任凭思绪在空间里翩然飞舞。 Sunshine into the living room, get a book read quietly, curled up on the sofa or lazy, or elegantly located in single chair, let the thoughts breezily flying in space. 一个好的空间势必兼备概念与功能,注重所感及所用。从屋主需求出发,感性思考、理性创造。厘革空间设置、消解户型弱点,营造高采光性、储物性和自然性的居住空间。 Is bound to have both a good space concept and function, pay attention to feeling and used. Demand from the owner, the perceptual thinking, rational creation. Varies space setting, dispelling family weakness, build high daylighting sex, reservoir physical properties and natural living space. 发呆于此, 坐落于松软的沙发上, 和煦的光线透过窗帘轻洒于地板, 于安逸的氛围中感受一束光的温柔。 Stunned, located in the soft sofa, warm light through the curtain light spilled on the floor, to ease the atmosphere of the tenderness of a beam of light. 在美学与实用之间拿捏设计的尺度,既是追求精神花园的闲庭信步,又是不失生活烟火的真实从容。 Scale of balance between aesthetic and practical design, is the pursuit of spiritual garden walk, and do not break the fireworks real life calmly. SEARCHING LIFE'S FREEDOM IS THE CHARM OF LIVING 设计师据此给出了空间的整体调性:可退让的空间形态,住居空间具有了生活包浆意味的、如同家人相处之道,没有过多的原则,只有相互依恋的深情。 Stylist gives the space of whole tonal accordingly: can give space form, the residence space has the patina of life, like a family, the principle of not much, only attached to the deep feeling of each other. 于平淡的生活中制造惊喜,让厨房空间跳脱乏味与沉默。 In surprise in our normal life, let kitchen space trip boring and silence. 独留一方纯粹而静谧的休憩之所,温润而柔和。细细碎碎,布满恬静安然的滋味,留下一片令人舒心的呼吸空间。 Left side pure and quiet rest, warm and soft. Finely chopped pieces, be full of the taste of quiet enron, leaving a comfortable space to breathe. 卧室回归最原始的功能,只关注人的触感与睡眠需求。卧室没有过多繁杂的装饰,一张柔软的大床。吸收了一整天阳光的床铺,温暖而芬芳,仿佛回归了妈妈的怀抱一般,让人安心且好眠。 The function of the bedroom to return to the original, only focus on human touch and sleep needs. The adornment of bedroom not too multifarious, a soft big bed. Absorb all day sun bed, warm and fragrant, just like to return to the arms of the mother, reassuring and good sleep. 自由无拘的日子里, 一本书,一把椅,一夜好梦, 是平淡的生活,却最能打动人。 Free no-clasp, A book, a chair, good night, Life is insipid, but the most impressive. 保证了日常个人的私密性,营造属于自己的独处空间。 Ensure the daily personal privacy, to build their own space to be alone. |
1700820423 2022-11-18 14:53:45
12木头人 发表于 2022-11-18 09:29
客厅感觉不错!但是拍照能不能换个女模特,男的也行,能不能换个帅的,不帅也行能不能换个打理的清爽点的! ...
肆尽 2022-11-18 10:16:20
12木头人 发表于 2022-11-18 09:29
客厅感觉不错!但是拍照能不能换个女模特,男的也行,能不能换个帅的,不帅也行能不能换个打理的清爽点的! ...
没经费 设计师自己上了