远校设计 | 率真与随性共情

2022-8-7/ 家居实景/ 现代风/ 只看大图 阅读模式


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Plenty of light and shadow, load free overflow personality, express the ideal place...

隔绝喧嚣,表态生活,洞悉舒适诉求,纵横流畅线条重塑自我场域,布局艺术情境。 ——龙光·金色阳光悦府
Lsolated from the hustle and bustle, express life, insight into comfortable appeals, horizontal and horizontal smooth lines to reshape the self-field, layout of the artistic situation. -- Longguang Golden Sunshine Pleasant Mansion.

客 厅 | Living Room


Warm wood color lays out the overall background, Outlines the wall and beam body, and provides a solid foundation for the structure of the regular field. Black handmade paint daub sofa hard bag background, echoing black extremely simple rock board tea table, exudes a peaceful atmosphere. Invite light as a guest and let it search for the truth of spontaneity.


Elegant curtains soften natural light and shadow, empower log beams, soak and dye time, and illustrate the linkage between atmosphere and characters.


Apricot coriaceous sofa matchs khaji lubricious chair for leaning on, carpet of brown circle velvet carries wooden post tea table, material agrees with, color fastens set each other off, reveal open wildness, highlight the free and easy disposition that the person that reside treats the life not stick to one pattern.



Permeate the functional area with pleasant posture, collect gentle and activated scenes, invite imagination to bind tonality...

书 房 | Study Room

Smart ball chandelier to warm the spiritual field, a few paper text precipitation mood, according to the current mood switch reading theme, shuttling through the virtual and real world, to establish an orderly self, immersive cultivation of body and mind.

Choose sofa of cotton hemp of case of optional thousand bird to continue comfortable intention, contemporary and classic clever interweave, sit one rely on tian Yi body, actual strength deduces the elegant glamour of fashionable restoring ancient ways.

餐 厨 区 | Kitchen Area


Open kitchen clever dining area, already become a bureau, follow space order again. Scan widely eat kitchen and sitting room, barrier-free emotional communication, emphasize the interaction between space and person.

The minimalist black chandelier turns on the warm lighting, sets off the minimalist dining table with the same color, and the complete range of items is consistent, accompanying the time to pour into the atmosphere, capturing the life bit by bit, and delivering the evening mark.

Abstract graffiti murals are full of space vitality and aesthetic art. Ran human fireworks, hidden circuitous dramatic.

主卧 |  Master Bedroom

The continuation of the overall color, balance a simple warm simple style. Plain white cloth art bed body is matched with pure black bedside cabinet, manufacturing illusion ignores the sense of object existence, broaden spatial scale, from outside to inside transfer fully, face light and live.

Dark gray hard bag background opposite white cabinet, continue the overall simple design, with classic color matching flow functional area layout...

Vertical column lamp goes along with the wall along the trend parallel, guide reside person place oneself soft couch is slow body and mind, feeling is empty experience illumination pours asperse and enter, reality and poetry all the same enter dream.

Glass partition to establish a buffer zone, wash and rain space through but not through, hidden can be found, exhaustion from stepping into a moment will sweep.

次卧 | Subaltern Room

The log cabinet is connected with the wooden wall into shape, and the broken grain stone is rich in material levels, highlighting the uniqueness of the picture with the leaping posture.

Simple metal chandelier bright bedside pile, decorate green plants fresh functional area, multiple materials integrated, with natural tonality cohesion comfort...

Polish the interest and provoke the senses, refine the visual style aesthetics, release the space of seasoning at will, and freely grasp the depth of spirit.

▼平面图 | The Plan▼

项目名称 | 龙光·阳光悦府
Project name | Golden Sunshine Pleasant Mansion
设计机构 | 远校空间设计
Design Firm | YUANXIAO Space
主案设计 | 余远校
Interior Design | Yu YuanXiao
硬装设计 | 邵瑞环 余泽娇 余卓毅
Interior Design | Sao RuiHuan
软装设计 | HBN软装
Soft Design | HBN Design
项目地点 | 中国 汕头
Location | Shantou,China
设计面积 | 137㎡
Design Area | 137 sq.m.
设计时间 | 二零二零年八月
Design Time | August 2020
项目摄影 | 广州大象视觉
Project Photography | Elephant Vision in GuangZhou

Tailor-made Taste Aesthetic Spirit Space

YUANXIAO SPACE DESIGN远校空间设计成立于2017年,我们一贯坚持“美学、专业、梦想”的理念。专注售楼中心、样板间、高端私宅、别墅 、办公室、酒店等领域,为客户提供全案设计及顶级定制服务。

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YUANXIAO Space Design Co., Ltd

Shantou Chenghai District Dengfeng Road
No. 2302, Ladder 1, Building 4, Sunshine Yue Mansion, Longguang

电话 Tel : +131 1256 0037
邮箱 Email : 397174661@qq.com
微信 Wechat : 13112560037

微信公众号 : 远校设计
小红书 : 远校空间设计有限公司




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