鼎点室内设计 | RH CLUB

2022-5-6/ 酒店餐饮/ 餐厅空间/ 只看大图 阅读模式


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本帖最后由 鼎点室内设计 于 2022-5-6 18:28 编辑

OpeningDramatic Dreams
Create a dream world in theentrance, a dream as if traveling through time and space. Along with the lightand shadow changes of the art installation, the experience will slowly returnto reality from the dream. The old and the new civilizations and thedifferences between the East and the West meet and collide here. Elements fromdifferent times and spaces create a virtual world like a movie, with unknownmaterial appearances.
The progressive introversionof the entrance also lays the groundwork for triggering the massive contrast ofthe hall with spatial tension behind. When the experiencer enters thepromenade, he feels the sudden change in light and shadow of the installation.It gives life to the overall space and leaves the viewer with a vivid touchwith absolute visuality.



DimensionalShift of Emotions
“There was a small entranceto the mountain, and a light shone out. After walking dozens of steps,everything appears.” As soon as you step into the scene, the twists, the turns,and the penetration of light and shadow create a sense of mystery and invokethe imagination.
The concept of space is alsogiven a retrospective look in the presentation. Under the overall quietatmosphere, through the striped space and deep inside, light and time changefrom dark to light, and time and space change from generation to generation.
The orderly combinations andintense colors create a carnival feast of misaligned perspectives. It breaksthe deep and solemn tone of the vestibule. The metal texture of the main winerack changes in response to the light, capturing the first visual point of theviewer entering the vestibule and becoming the spiritual symbol of the space.



In the center of the space,the “golden syrup”, the color inherent in whiskey, is used as the artisticprototype. It uses water as the theme, meaning that a foot of water generates ahundred feet of waves, which is endless. It allows rhythm and vitality to passthrough the space and symbolizes rebirth. It is a metaphor for Zhuangzi’s“Journey to the End of the World” in which the Kun can swim 3,000 li at once,and the Peng can fly 90,000 li with its wings.




Each piece of metal isscattered to gather and then put together through the circular formation in thespace, forming a flowing space with a strong sense of tension. It is like themoment when the water waves roll over, surging and floating, echoing themetaphor of the soul’s journey that profoundly touches the whisky. The clash ofcolors also brings more layers to the space.


The space is cleverly matchedwith various arches to solve the problem of height and space while maintainingits order. It uses the structural undulation of different arches to break themonotony of flatness, enhance the tension of the picture and enrich the visuallevel.
The curved bar serves as avisual line, linking the whole space in an orderly way. Under the cover of thelight, the hardness and gentleness can be seen through the round elements.

The soft light in the guest sitting area raises the visualtemperature of the space little by little, creating an unreal world withnatural touch and emotion for the experience. Reality and dreams arereintegrated into a new dimension. Consciousness and unconsciousness arereleased in an unsearchable private realm. We hope to create a uniquerelaxation experience for our clients with a beautiful and sensual perspective.On the one hand, we pay more attention to the choice of soft decoration andcolor to adapt to the overall color tone of the space. On the other hand, wealso use soft decoration to supplement hard decoration, showing the combinationof hardness and softness of the overall soft decoration of the space.

The calm but not melancholygray-blue and warm and unassuming yellow light reflect each other, forming awarm and cold tone to create a visual impression and echo the emotional cues,and spreading the local environmental perception to the whole.
The lower light of thetexture painting reflects on the metal, forming a contrast of ambient lightrendering. The rich texture of the bumpy surface gives the place a better senseof emotion.
In a slightly drunk atmosphere,there is no disturbing noise. You can indulge yourself for a long time or makean appointment with some friends to chat and enjoy it. Hide here, steal ahalf-day for leisure.

SensorySwitching of Space-Time Dimension

It is a dramatic scene. Withthe light and shadow of the oriental art installation shown at the entrance,the viewer steps into a new world full of modern vitality, as if travelingthrough time and space. It creates a theatrical and unreal scenario like amovie, in which the experiencer receives a fragmentary revelation of the futurein a dream world. It reintegrates reality and dreams into a new dimension,where consciousness and unconsciousness are released in an unsearchable privaterealm. Through “entry”, “birth”, “penetration”, “touch”, and “stop”... theviewer searches for the dream symbols of the self and the freedom of surrealawakening.

The curved semi-enclosedspace uses lines to create vertical continuity and a deep sense of time andspace, building a concise and subtly scaled tunnel of time and space.

The entrance-style lightextension is both a prelude and an end. The open and mysterious semi-curved facadecombines the rhythm and order of the space to release the original power of thebuilding.

Outlining theQuiet Order of Light and Shadow
Light is the essence of allthings. Color and light abstract from the trajectory of reality to convey andcreate a new immaterial dimension. The path to the interior is accompanied bychanging lines of light and shadow, forming a perceptual link that echoes thesilence of the space within the experiencer. DDID believes that light itself isalways a manifest substance and should be presented as a visible subject inspace, conveying the human spiritual world through the materiality of light.

The dark black color schemeconveys the space’s mystery and high-class feeling. The light and shadow in thegallery space permeate the structure’s cracks. The flowing shadows breakthrough and change the impression of a heavy and dull atmosphere, full ofmovement and linear beauty.

Knocking at the door of imagination, it seems to enter asurrealistic mystery of light and shadow. The end-view interface uses a gallerypainting with spatial depth. It interacts with the corrugated metal panels onthe ceiling, creating a visual impression and echoing emotional cues, andspreading the local environmental perception to the whole. The orange color inthe space jumps with the light and shadow, experiencing and extending inward.

项目名称 |  RH威士忌酒吧
项目地点 |  深圳福田
室内设计 |  深圳市鼎点室内设计有限公司
主笔设计 |  罗淞元
协助设计 |  吴承鹏
设计团队 |  陈少东、胡杨、刘子健、陈明辉
项目摄影 |  印象文化
灯光配合 |  迈石灯光
建筑面积 |  650
完工时间 |  2022年4月
主要材料 |  手工艺术漆、不锈钢、木饰面、艺术玻璃


5. 2019年获广州设计周丨红棉奖·2019室内设计奖
8.2018年获“第十三届金外滩The goldenbund award ceremony丨优秀设计奖



  • 小凯旋 2022-6-14 14:23:31

    本帖最后由 小凯旋 于 2022-6-14 14:24 编辑


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