那件层层叠叠轻纱弥漫 缀满软缎织就的玫瑰和宝石 是对爱情的期盼 是对幸福的憧憬
BACKGROUND 项目背景 作为童婳嫁衣品牌的再升级 As a TONHA Bridr brand 除了经营面积的扩大之外 In addition to the expansion of operating space 我们在对空间的规划中结合了甲方自身的经营理念 We in the planning of the space in the combination of the Party’s own business philosophy 大大提升了消费者的体验感 Has Greatly enhanced the consumer’s sense of experience 空间的每个角落都是背景 Every corner of the space is the background 随手的自拍都是大片 Random selfies are huge
STRUCTURE 结构 直线属于人类,曲线属于上帝 ——安东尼·高迪 The straight line belongs to man, the curve to God ——Antoni Gaudí 我们尽量通过曲线来去勾勒出女性的柔美 We try to use curves to bring out the femininity 将所有的功能放置在整个空间中 Put all the functions in the whole space 我们抹去纯展厅的理念 We erase the idea of a pure showroom 也摒弃了通常婚纱店采用的或复古或华丽的流行设计元素 Also abandoned the usual bridal shop or retro or gorgeous fashion design elements 用现代极简的建筑语汇 With a modern, minimalist architectural vocabulary 创造了一个具有古典氛围和仪式感的空间 Creating a space with a classical atmosphere and a ritualistic feel
SPACE ATMOSPHERE 空间氛围 中轴对称的布局 Axisymmetric layout 模数化的片墙和天花垂板 Modular Sheet Wall and ceiling panel 有着柱列般丰富的空间层次 Has a column-like rich spatial hierarchy 针对不同的区域和使用功能 For different areas and usage features 每个衣架和橱窗,都配合不同的灯光策略 Each hanger and window display is fitted with a different lighting strategy 追求美术馆般的灯光效果 In pursuit of gallery-like lighting effects 素净统一的色调和强烈的秩序感配合展出其中的婚纱 Plain and uniform colors and a strong sense of order with which to display the wedding dress 传达出永恒和纯洁的意味 To convey the message of eternity and purity
AXONOMETRIC DRAWING 轴测图 - 项目名称 - 【TONHA】童婳嫁衣 - 设计机构 - 梓人空间设计 - 设计主创 - 范淼 - 摄影机构 - 任腾视觉 - 项目面积 - 760㎡ - 项目地址 - 安徽 阜阳 一里洋房 |
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