![]() 素雅的色调搭配上流行元素,整个空间格局简约而不简单。 Simple but elegant tonal collocation on popular elements, the whole space pattern is contracted and not simple.
![]() 入户玄关短小,靠墙打造顶天立地的鞋柜,保证鞋物的收纳,中间挖空作为台面,方便进出门随手放置小物,暗藏光源,营造温馨的光影氛围,使归家更有仪式感。顶面内嵌两盏射灯照明,光源更集中,灯光反射后还能提亮空间。 Indoor porch is short, build against the wall to make the shoes ark, ensure the storage of shoes, hollow as a mesa, convenient to enter and go out with small things placed, hidden light source, create a warm light and shadow atmosphere, make home more ritual feeling. Top surface is embedded inside two spot lamp illumination, light source is more concentrated, after lamplight reflects, still can raise bright space. ![]() 餐厅结合西厨设计,增强了空间的利用率。定制吧台兼任餐桌,精心挑选黑、棕两色高脚椅,跳跃的色彩中和了空间的单调,极细的线条设计,精致而简约,自带休闲氛围。平常一家三口在这里吃饭、招待亲友,闲暇时,男主人也会在此小酌几杯,舒缓工作压力。靠里的吧台下方,利用台面+柜板,打造出一个小型展示柜,绿植、书等都可以摆在里面,收纳与观赏性融为一体,充实空间内涵。 Restaurant combined with western kitchen design, enhance the utilization of space. The custom bar serves as a dining table, and the black and brown high chairs are carefully selected. The jumping colors neutralize the monotonous space. The very thin line design is exquisite and simple, bringing with it a leisure atmosphere. Usually a family of three eat here, entertain relatives and friends, leisure, the male host will also drink a few cups here, relieve working pressure.Depend on the lower part of the bar counter, use mesa + cabinet board, create a small display cabinet, green plants, books can be placed inside, receive and ornamental are an organic whole, enrich the connotation of space. ![]() 吧台后方也安装了一组通高的储物柜,宽敞的台面设计,可以摆放咖啡机、豆浆机等小家电,减轻厨房的储物压力,配置上下水,方便清洗杯具。装有酒水的小冰箱内嵌于柜体中国,男主人小酌时可直接取用。 The rear of the bar also installed a group of high store content ark, capacious countertop design, can put coffee machine, soybean milk machine and other small home appliances, reduce the kitchen store content pressure, configuration up and down water, convenient cleaning cup. A small refrigerator with drinks is built into the cabinet, and the host can take it directly when sipping. ![]() 餐厅没有做吊顶,仅用石膏板在四周做简易造型,将通风口完美隐形,更显统一。餐桌上方装了一组白色吊灯,使光线均匀分布,不留阴暗死角,也令食物颜色更加鲜艳,增进食欲。 Dining room did not do condole top, make simple modelling all around with plasterboard only, air vent is perfect invisible, more show unified. Dandelier of a group of white was installed above table, make the light is evenly distributed, do not leave dark dead Angle, also make food color more bright-colored, promote appetite. ![]() 地面统一铺设灰色纹理地砖,保持整体调性一致。长条磁吸灯贯穿玄关、餐客厅,极简的线条设计,无限拉长延伸视觉。 The ground is uniformly laid with gray texture floor tiles to keep the overall tonality consistent. Strip magnetic suction lamp runs through porch, eat sitting room, minimalist line is designed, infinite elongate outspread vision. ![]() 餐厅与客厅,玄关与走道,通过灯光、柜体、材质创造连接,模糊空间界限,场景转换更加自如。 Dining room and living room, porch and corridor, through the lighting, cabinet, material to create a connection, blurred space boundaries, scene conversion more freely. ![]() 电视背景墙由整面石材打造而成,产生强烈的视觉冲击,时尚感扑面而来,个性的岩石纹理,让墙面成为一张静止的艺术画布,位于中间的黑色电视更显突出,成为空间中的视觉焦点。底部设计悬空台面,既可以充当电视柜摆放相关设备,也避免了卫生死角。 The TV background wall is made by the whole face of stone, producing a strong visual impact, fashion sense, personalized rock texture, let the wall become a static art canvas, located in the middle of the black TV is more prominent, become the visual focus of the space. Bottom designs suspended mesa, can act as TV ark to put relevant equipment already, also avoided sanitary dead Angle. 开放式储物柜,内藏灯带,将屋主收集的各色摆件,装点得艺术感十足,亲友来访时,总能第一时间被这个小型的“展品博物馆”吸引住视线。 Open type store content ark, inside hide lamp belt, house owner collects all kinds of place, deck gets artistic feeling dye-in-the-neck, when relatives and friends visit, always can be the first time by this small "exhibit museum" attract the line of sight. 靠近飘窗的位置,地面做抬高设计,以示区分,日常也可以在此处晒太阳。透明的薄纱窗帘,为室内镀上一层柔和的滤镜,清新而纯净。 Near the bay window position, the ground is raised to distinguish, daily can also be here in the sun. Transparent gauze curtain, for indoor plating on a downy filter, pure and fresh and pure. 深浅适中的地毯,在浅色墙面与深色地板间,形成有序的视觉过渡。精选矮脚茶几、单人沙发椅,减少空间的局促感,躺在沙发上看电视,也不会遮挡视线。 The carpet of moderate depth, between light color metope and brunet floor, form orderly visual transition. Select short tea table, single person sofa chair, reduce the cramp feeling of the space, lie on the sofa to watch TV, also won't keep out the line of sight. 沙发两侧,对称摆放了一组圆形小茶几,有一种秩序俨然的美感,辅以精心挑选的台灯、水晶摆件,小角落也自成风景,彰显细节质感。 Sofa two sides, symmetrical put a group of circular small tea table, there is a kind of order peremptuous aesthetic feeling, complemented with the desk lamp that chooses carefully, crystal places, small corner also becomes scenery from itself, reveal detail simple sense. 沙发背景墙摈弃复杂的造型设计,浅灰木饰面板搭配黑色纹路岩板,一暖一冷,碰撞出高级的内敛格调。一字型沙发,简洁而利落,温暖的棕色,点亮了空间的活力,柔软的材质,让客厅变得慵懒而随性。 Sofa background wall abandoned complex modeling design, light gray wood decorative panel with black grain rock board, a warm and cold, collision gives a senior inner collection style.One-line sofa, simple and neat, warm brown, lit up the vitality of the space, soft material, let the living room become lazy and casual. 转角的阳台被改造成独立的休闲区,墙面铺贴灰色壁纸,搭配一幅抽象挂画,就足够经典耐看,画面中交织的不同色块,令空间鲜活而生动。 The balcony of the corner is transformed into independent leisure area, metope shop is stuck gray wallpaper, tie-in abstract hang a picture, enough classic stand or stand to look, the different color piece that interweaves in the picture, your space is fresh and vivid. 松软的沙发躺椅+温暖的毛毯,让时光都在此处慢下了脚步,天气晴好时,屋主可以晒着轻暖的阳光,午休小憩,夜晚收拾完家务,可以泡杯清茶,翻翻闲书,钓鱼落地灯保证充足的照明,艺术茶几,可以用来搁茶杯。 Soft sofa lounge chair + warm blanket, let time here slow down the pace, when the weather is fine, the house owner can bask in light warm sunshine, nap and rest, clean up the housework at night, you can make a cup of green tea, turn over leisure books, fishing floor lamp to ensure adequate lighting, art tea table, can be used to put teacups. 拆除邻近走道的墙体,打造半开放式书房,减少空间的压抑、昏暗感,创造更舒适的办公环境。书房顶面也融入木格栅元素,与客厅形成和谐互动。 Demolish the wall of the adjacent corridor to create a semi-open study to reduce the sense of depression and darkness of the space and create a more comfortable office environment. The roof of the book is also integrated into the wood grid elements, forming a harmonious interaction with the living room. 在采光最佳的位置,增设书桌、沙发办公椅,书桌上方用搁板设计简易书架,摆放装饰画、书,让书房更具书香氛围。墙面安装可移动插座,使用电脑办公时,也可同时给手机充电,互不影响,非常方便。 In daylighting optimal position, add desk, sofa office chair, desk upper part uses shelf to design simple bookshelf, put adornment picture, book, let the study have atmosphere of book fragrance more. Mobile socket installed on the wall, the use of computer office, but also at the same time to charge the mobile phone, do not affect each other, very convenient. 靠近走道的角落,定制整面书柜,玻璃门设计使藏书一目了然,又将灰尘隔绝在外,简约的线条更显空间的清爽利落。 Close to the corner of the corridor, custom-made whole bookcase, glass door design makes books at a glance, and dust isolation outside, contracted lines more relaxed and agile space. 考虑原始儿童房远离卫生间,屋主女儿使用不便,我们调换了儿童房与主卧。床头背景墙由用地砖+岩板拼接而成,施工技艺要求很高,黑、灰的经典色系组合,稳重而沉静,营造轻松的入眠氛围。 Considering that the original children's room is far away from the toilet and the owner's daughter is inconvenient to use, we replaced the children's room and the master bedroom. The background wall of the head of a bed is composed of floor tiles and rock plates. The construction technique requires high standards. The classic color combination of black and gray is stable and calm, creating a relaxed sleeping atmosphere. 主卧依旧延续无主灯设计,顶部内嵌的射灯保证基础照明,床头两侧各添置一盏壁灯,补充照明,方便看书、刷剧。选用轻巧的小方桌充当床头柜,简约而时尚。 ADVOCATE BEDROOM continuance as before does not have advocate lamp design, the spot lamp that is embedded inside copping assures basic illumination, both sides of the head of a bed each acquire lamp of a wall, supplement illumination, convenient read a book, brush drama. Choose light small square desk to act as bedside ark, contracted and fashionable. 拆除多余墙体,重新调整主卫开门方向,加强与书房的联系,使其不再直面厨房,动线更加合理。 Remove redundant wall body, adjust afresh advocate defend the direction of the door, strengthen the connection with the study, make its no longer face the kitchen, move a line more reasonable. 主卫空间狭长,墙面使用白色纹路大理石提亮,设计单独淋浴房,提高使用舒适度。为了打造更舒适的沐浴体验,卫生间左侧角落安装了浴缸,添置了一张圆形金属茶几,摆放香薰、浴盐,空间虽不大,但成功实现泡泡浴自由! Advocate defending the space is long and narrow, the wall uses white marb to shine, the design is separate shower room, improve the use comfortable.To make more comfortable bath experience, bathroom left corner installed bathtub, add a piece of circular metal tea table, put incense, bath salt, although the space is not big, but successfully realize bubble bath freedom! ![]() 梦幻脏粉搭配纯净白,令儿童房清新而甜美。靠窗角落设计了书桌,方便屋主女儿写作业。脏粉色床头软包,立体而松软,搭配同色床品,调性更显统一。 Dream dirty powder collocation is pure white, make children room pure and fresh and sweet. A desk is designed in the corner near the window for the owner's daughter to do her homework. Soft package of dirty pink head of bed, solid and loose, tie-in is tasted with color bed, tonality shows unity more. ![]() 屋主女儿使用公卫较多,在设计时,空间也大量使用粉白两色,营造专属感。设计单独淋浴房,实现干湿分离,借助飘窗台面收纳沐浴用品。马桶、淋浴区的墙面分别铺装小白砖、小粉砖,区分彼此界线。粉色洗手台采用台下盆设计,避免水溅到外面。金色边框的圆镜,轻奢而优雅。洗漱区墙地面统一铺设水磨石,温馨而自然。 The owner's daughter uses public health more. In the design, the space also uses a lot of pink and white to create a sense of exclusive. Design a separate shower room, realize the separation of dry and wet, with the help of floating windowsill bath supplies. The metope of area of closestool, shower stores respectively small white brick, small pink brick, distinguish each other boundary line.Pink lavabo stage uses below stage basin design, avoid water splash to arrive outside. The round mirror of golden frame is light and luxurious and elegant. Washing area wall ground unified laying terrazzo, warm and natural. 项目地址:中海灜台 项目用途:私人住宅 项目面积:152m² 设计风格:现代简约 方案设计:木梵空间设计事务所 |
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