米洛映象 | 千里湖山售楼中心:拢水而栖,拦山以息 序 室内的思考应当立足于建筑,源于当地的文化,源于现代人内心的精神诉求,售楼处不再是售楼处是体验感、艺术与人文,赋予空间更多的情感。本案以横平竖直的线条,拥有理性的、凝固的力量,连续的竖线随绿意层层点染开来,表现出山水画的氤氲之美。 01 大厅 · 流光溢彩 LIGHT LUXURY HAVE SEND 空间之美在于设计师对细节的把控与描绘,从色彩到线条,每一处都体现出设计的巧思与细致,多种材质的相互碰撞,创造出简洁大气的艺术空间。大厅流光溢彩大气非常,两侧山脉在金属线条的笼罩下绵延不绝,流动的翡色星光美如画卷,珠玉在相互碰撞出莹润剔透的艺术氛围。 The hall feels the ultimate atmosphere style wind in the streamer overflow color. Delicate and elegant ring process lighting scattered high and low, light luxury. From point to line, the rudiments of things are outlined. Each line is interwoven to form a surface, which presents the three-dimensional scene to be described. 02 文化展厅 · 他山之石 QUIET BRIGHT 流光千年印古意,四壁浮影悟中采。古人以石会友,大厅内部以金属将墙面线条勾勒,太湖之石用东方气质唤醒古韵情义,是传统东方匠心与现代艺术的交织,一画一景,皆是韵味。 The ancient people used stone to meet friends, the interior of the hall uses metal to draw the outline of the wall lines, the taihu stone with the eastern temperament to wake up the ancient rhyme and friendship, is the traditional Oriental craftsmanship and modern art interweave, a painting a scene, all are charm. 03 会客区 · 格调之美 THE BEAUTY OF ARTISTIC STYLE 空间以简洁纯粹的线条造型,搭配丰富的金属元素,形成富有内涵的空间哲学。一抹清新静谧之绿立于一旁,为空间增添了十足的清韵之气。柔软且舒适的单人沙发,展现出空间的细腻感和人文关怀。 Space with simple and pure line modeling, with rich metal elements, the formation of a space philosophy full of connotation. A fresh and quiet green in the side, for the space to add a full charm of gas. The soft and comfortable single sofa shows the exquisite sense and humanistic care of the space. 04 洽谈区 · 隽永之意 INTERESTING FAIRY TALE 洽谈区在空间构造上篆刻出传统中式对称美学。黑与白的交织之旅中以静谧优雅之蓝点缀,错落有致的水墨画卷循光垂坠,在隽永沉稳中营造出轻松舒适的氛围。 Negotiation area in the space structure carved out of the traditional Chinese aesthetic symmetry. The journey of black and white is interwoven with quiet and elegant blue embellished, and the patchwork ink paintings hang down in the light, creating a relaxed and comfortable atmosphere in a calm and lasting manner. 05 VIP洽谈区 · 含蓄典雅 INTERESTING FAIRY TALE 艺术装置画以朱红和雅金搭配,相映成辉,相交成趣。构造出含蓄典雅的画卷。为理性的空间赋予意境和情趣,大气且端庄。文化感与时尚感兼具的空间,带给人更为愉悦的洽谈状态。 The art installation paintings are matched with vermilion and elegant gold, making each other bright and interesting. Construct the picture scroll of implicative elegance. For the rational space to give artistic conception and interest, atmosphere and dignified. Cultural sense and fashion sense of both space, bring people more pleasant negotiation state. 06 休息区 · 妙趣横生 INTERESTING FAIRY TALE 休息区将空间合理划分,用极简的线条勾勒出最具灵性的空间。两张简约弧形沙发呈对称分布,造型独特的镜面圆形茶几质感十足,精致优雅。黄与蓝的点缀丰富了空间的艺术气息。 The rest area divides the space reasonably and draws the outline of the most intelligent space with minimalist lines. Sofa of two contracted arc presents symmetrical distribution, simple sense of tea table of mirror circle with unique modelling is very, delicate and elegant. Yellow and blue ornaments enrich the artistic atmosphere of the space. 儿童区以简洁明快的艺术手法展现出空间的轻松写意。一方古树蜿蜒而上,将儿童的娱乐空间庇佑在繁茂枝叶之下。以人为本的展现手法,创造出美好的室内环境。 The children's area shows the relaxed freehand brushwork of the space with concise and lively artistic technique. An ancient tree winding up, children's entertainment space under the lush branches and leaves. The people-oriented display creates a beautiful indoor environment. - END - 【平面设计图】 PROJECT INTRODUCTION - 项目名称|千里湖山 The project name | Qianli Hushan 项目类型|售楼中心 Project Type | The sales center 软装设计|米洛映象 Soft Decoration Design | Millo Casa 项目地点|湖南郴州 Project Site | Chenzhou City, Hunan Province 项目面积|770㎡ Project Area | 770 m2 完工时间|2021.04 Completion Time | 2021.04
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