米洛映象|常德东方红建设集团茶艺会馆:淬炼古朴简雅时光 序 本次设计的禅意中式茶艺会馆,不同于茶室、茶会所、茶展厅,它承载着更多的企业使命:展览与品鉴、交流与贸易、商务与会晤如此等等,在此基础上我们更希望这空间从传统中式的内敛、深韵、安静中解放出来,更理性与严谨、更精致与禅意。但一定保留的是新中式风格作为东方美学的进化论,它的情结,它君子般的情怀。 01 自然禅意之境 The zen of nature - 入口处造就一幅自然之雅韵,迎客松安静立于一隅,雪山纹大理石时尚简约,二者相搭却不失禅意风情。 The entrance creates a natural elegance, welcoming the guest pine quietly in a corner, snow mountain marble fashion and simple, the two phase does not lose zen style. 02 温润简雅之风 The wind of gentleness and simplicity - 展示柜采用木饰面作为主要材质,温润如流水,简雅似秋风。光影在传统灯火如豆中汲取现代简约艺术,莹润柔和,质感通透,体现出空间十足的自然清韵。 The display cabinet uses wood veneer as the main material, warm and smooth like water, simple and elegant like autumn wind. Light and shadow draw modern simple art in traditional lights such as beans, bright and soft, transparent texture, reflecting the natural rhyme of the space. 03 交谈与共·知己二三 Talk with friends for two or three times - 休息区以不同材质的采用搭配光影的跃动,最大程度上实现了空间的功能性与观赏性。以竹编作为隔断,将公共区域分离出一小方半开放空间,既保证了好友间言语交谈的私密,又不完全封闭。树墩形状的茶几搭配木质座椅,体现出人与自然共生之境。 In the rest area, different materials are used with the movement of light and shadow to maximize the functionality and appreciation of the space. With bamboo weaving as a partition, the public area is separated into a small half open space, both to ensure the intimate speech between friends, and not completely closed. The tea table in the shape of tree stump is paired with wooden seats, reflecting the symbiosis between man and nature. 04 静思 · 格调中的仪式感 The sense of ritual in the style of meditation - 长廊依旧延续主空间的清逸淡雅之气,排列有序的内嵌式顶灯随观者足迹延续,使得整体空间明亮通透,不显冗杂拥挤。苏式红木底座承载着天然玉石,自然艺术之美,美的是空间,也是文化。 The corridor still continues the simplicity and elegance of the main space, and the orderly arranged embedded ceiling lights continue with the footprints of the visitors, making the overall space bright and transparent, without miscellaneous and crowded. Su style mahogany base carries natural jade, the beauty of natural art, beauty is space, but also culture. 05 清雅韵味 · 感悟自然 A Hymn Of Light And Shadow - 茶文化历经千年,是中华文化中一方不可磨灭的印记。整体空间以木色与蓝色相搭配,线条利用干净利落,空间质感层次分明。材质在保留传统中式风格时,除却过多繁杂,化繁为简后,一切时光倒流,让人心从嘈杂世界中脱离,得以安放。 After thousands of years, tea culture is an indelible mark in Chinese culture. The whole space is matched with wood color and blue color, the lines are used cleanly, and the spatial texture is distinct. When material is retaining traditional Chinese style, except too much multifarious, after changing complex to simple, all time goes back, let the heart be separated from the noisy world, can be placed. 06 茶承禅意·禅存茶中 Tea bears zen meaning. Zen is preserved in tea - 禅之精神在于悟,茶之意境在于雅。茶承禅意,禅存茶中。落地窗将大片光线引入室内,与天然雅木融为一体,盘就蒲团,煮酒烹茶。有一种情怀,必须用茶室的清幽和文化的厚度来承载。 The spirit of Zen lies in enlightenment, and the artistic conception of tea lies in elegance. Tea bearing zen, zen in tea. Floor-to-ceiling Windows bring in large tracts of light that blend in with the natural yams, serving futons and cooking wine and tea. There is a feeling, must use the teahouse and the depth of culture to carry. 07 清幽·竹林深处 Deep in the bamboo forest - 踏过青石板行至竹林深处,户外在建筑结构上并未完全开放,以层层递进的条状原木作为顶层设计,既做到光线的充裕,又洽和整体空间的观赏性与传统中式美学。 Walking through the green stone slabs to the depths of the bamboo forest, the outdoor building structure is not completely open, with layers of progressive strip logs as the top design, not only to achieve the ample light, but also with the overall space appreciation and traditional Chinese aesthetics. 08 古朴之静谧 The quiet of primitive simplicity - 接待室整体风格古朴雅致,静谧之蓝将莹润之白包围其间,流动中传达出从容优雅的空间感。国风古典落地灯饰经岁月的洗礼打磨,展现一灯一禅意,一禅一生活的艺术境界。 Quiet blue will be ying Embellish white surrounding meantime, the space feeling with calm grace is conveyed in flow. National wind classical floor lighting after years of baptism and grinding, show a zen, zen and life of the artistic realm. 09 心无旁骛 · 笃定前行 Move forward without distractions - 踏过红枫如火,青石板间,再次前往室内则是一派简约艺术之境。企业使命在此空间被解构成别样的优雅气派。 After stepping on the red maple, the blue stone, once again to the interior is a school of simple art. The enterprise mission is solved in this space to form a different elegant style. 红与白的色彩传递,木与石自然交锋,无需言说的生动灵巧在一瞬间被点亮。 Red and white color transmission, wood and stone natural confrontation, without words vivid dexterity is lit in an instant. 10 淬炼时光 Refined through time - 会议室大而不空,设备齐全。长虹玻璃与推拉门的搭配利用,消弭了整体空间的生硬与冰冷,多出几分企业从内而外透出的人文艺术关怀。 The conference room is large but not empty and well equipped. The collocation of changhong glass and sliding door is used, eliminated the curt and icy of integral space, a few more enterprises from inside and outside the humanistic art care that gives fully. 【平面设计图】 PROJECT INTRODUCTION - 项目名称|常德东方红建设集团茶艺会馆 Project Name | Changde Dongfanghong Construction Group Tea art Hall 项目类型|办公会所 Project Type | Office Club 软装设计|米洛映象 Soft Decoration Design | Millo Casa 项目地点|湖南常德 Project Site | Hunan Changde 项目面积|1000㎡ Project Area | 1000㎡ 完工时间|2019.10 Completion Time | 2019.10 |
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