互联网引发了信息大爆炸,知识迭代一再加速。更多元化,更符合时代需求的教学形式备受期待和关注。知士堂(Cheese Edu)是由国际化高层次精英团队引领的先锋教育品牌,为3至25岁阶段提供伴随成长的乐学成才一体化教育及咨询服务。将最前沿的教育资讯,教育理念,教育成果引入本土,汇聚顶尖教育资源,力求搭建现在与未来,国内与国际的教育桥梁。 The internet age has brought about information explosion and accelerated the rate at which knowledge is updated. Therefore, there is an increasing expectation and demand for more scientific, diversified teaching forms that better suits the needs of the age. Cheese Edu is an advanced education brand led by a team of international high-level talents and aiming to provide integrated education and consulting services for people from 3 to 25 years of age. By introducing the latest educational information, concepts and fruits to the mainland and gathering top-notch educational resources, it attempts to build a bridge that connects the present and future, home and abroad. 知士堂以其十分专业的细分课程为前提,倡导沟通与交流,每门课程均特色鲜明,不同课程对应不同空间氛围:热血的跆拳道馆,浪漫的舞蹈室,趣幻的科创教室,诗意的绘画教室,劲酷的街舞教室等。空间环境的多样性和专业性赋予了孩子们学习成长更多的启蒙意义和乐趣。 The communication that Cheese Edu advocates is based on a professionalized course classification. Each course has its own distinctive characteristics, and different courses suit the atmosphere of different rooms: the exciting taekowndo gym, the romantic dancing room, the fantastic science and invention room, the poetic painting room and the cool hip-hop room. The diversified and professional space design gives the kids more enlightenment and fun. 教育空间不仅是教学行为的物质支撑,更是极为重要的教学工具,尤其是空间氛围对人的行为和情绪有着潜在的暗示效应,可以从情绪上感染和引导学生,产生积极的代入感。 Educational space not only provides material support for teaching, it is also an important teaching tool itself. Space atmosphere, in particular, could have an implying effect on people’s behaviors and moods. It can affect and guide the students emotionally and induce a sense of involvement in them. 项目档案 项目名称:知士教育(Cheese Edu)万茂UIC旗舰店 项目业主:成都知士教育(Cheese Edu)咨询有限公司 项目地址:成都市武侯区聚龙路1251(万茂UIC/3F4F) 设计机构:BDD布道设计 服务内容:硬装设计/软装设计/照明设计 设计总监:刘万彬 软装总监:谢晓影(博士) 设计执行:刘宇/卢琴/刘聪/古昆/何关平 品牌顾问:成都九田品牌设计顾问有限公司 项目监理:夏海鑫/王瑜 照明顾问:蓝景照明 视频制作:成都金桢文化传媒有限公司 项目摄影:贺川(形在建筑摄影) 设计面积:6500㎡ 设计时间:2017年6月 设计周期:60天 施工时间:6个月 |
小马哥啦啦啦啦 2018-9-8 12:17:01回复举报