店与面创意 发表于 2022-8-25 18:16:49

D&M 创意设计 | 美肌空间高阶体验,抹祛时光的年轮

本帖最后由 店与面创意 于 2022-8-25 18:16 编辑

女性,之所以伟大,更多是因为孕育生命的奉献与无悔。Women, more than anything else, are great because of their dedication and lack of regret in nurturing life.
妊娠纹,是孕育母亲外显的“光荣痕迹”。在爱美之心盛行和现代生物科技进步的今天,伟大的她们有了更多适宜的美丽选择。Stretch marks are the "glorious traces" of the outward appearance of a pregnant mother.Today, with the prevalence of love for beauty and the advancement of modern biotechnology, the great ones have more suitable beauty options.

D&M创意公司受西安汝新美肌生物科技有限公司委托,致力创建契合「回归肌肤微观生态,焕活美肌新生能量」的空间体验,在美学、意境、功能中寻找到平衡点。D&M creative company was commissioned by Xi'an Ruxin Beauty Biotechnology Co., Ltd. to create a space experience that fits "return to the micro-ecology of the skin and revitalize the new energy of beauty", finding a balance between aesthetics, context and function.

01解锁「终身美丽」密钥Unlock the "Beauty for Life" key

作为主打女性消费群体的商业空间,尤其是初为人母或即将成为人母的女性的特有的柔敏感,营造柔和与释压的空间氛围当属必然。As a commercial space mainly for female consumer groups, especially the unique soft sensitivity of first-time mothers or soon-to-be mothers, it is inevitable to create a soft and stress-relieving space atmosphere.

临街门店入口的白色拱门,以圆润弧线勾勒轻盈柔和的视效。大幅明净玻璃,一览无余的品牌形象即刻吸睛、引流效果俱佳,遑论远近。The white arch at the entrance to the street store outlines the light and soft visual effect with a mellow arc.Large clear glass, a glance of the brand image immediately eye absorption, drainage effect is good, let alone far and near.

02唯美而理性的释压空间Beautiful and rational pressure relief space

水蓝色科技灯光,温柔而优雅,强化品牌的生物科技和专业属性。暖白色泛光源,折射出轻盈暖光,柔和而温暖。彩玻的运用,让冷调的科技感增添情绪温度。Water blue technology lighting, gentle and elegant, strengthen the brand's biotechnology and professional attributes.Warm white floodsource, reflecting the light and warm light, soft and warm.The use of stained glass, let the cold tone sense of technology to add emotional temperature.

空间之间以柔美弧度顺畅联结,消泯疏离感。在一个无压的焕新环境里,眼见即是舒心的感受。每一位进入这个空间的朋友,以完全放松的心态,享受到舒适的专业「美肌」服务。Between the space with a gentle arc of smooth connection, eliminate the sense of alienation.In a pressurized renewal environment, seeing is a comfortable feeling.Every friend who enters this space enjoys a comfortable professional "Make the skin look beautiful" service with a completely relaxed attitude.

03抚平生命孕育之痕Smooth down the marks of life gestation

生物科技是品牌的核心竞争力所在,为至愈修护提供强力背书。「品牌信息展示区」,互动性的信息展示,不仅能够使顾客主动了解科技实力,还能更深入的了解品牌文化。Biotechnology is the core competitiveness of the brand, providing a strong endorsement for the nursing care."Brand Information exhibition area", interactive information display, can not only make customers take the initiative to understand the scientific and technological strength, but also have a deeper understanding of the brand culture.

对称式不规则长方体与寓意神圣的拱门的通道口设计,构建出通往美与蜕变的“时光隧道”,神秘感和神圣感油然而生。Symmetric irregular rectangular body with the sacred arch of the portal design,to build a "time tunnel" leading to beauty and metamorphosis, the sense of mystery and holiness arises spontaneously.

通道连接起「咨询室」「体验间」「休息区」等,顾客穿行其中,不同功能的不同体验不一而足。The channel connects the "consultation room", "experience room" and "rest area", where customers walk through the different experiences of different functions.

「贝壳椅」,意蕴品牌「美丽重生」的核心理念,唯美且有深韵。"Shell chair", meaning the core concept of the brand "beauty rebirth", beautiful and deep rhyme.

极简扁平的导视系统与创意的设施装置,留白释压,生活美学如此,令人心生悦意。Minimal and flat guide system and creative facilities, leaving white release and pressure, life aesthetics, pleasing.

玉梯飞栏通幽处,芭蕉叶下早含春,美丽的探索与发现让人心驰神往。Jade ladder column to the secluded, banana leaves early spring, beautiful exploration and discovery let people fascinated.
空间分为上下两层,拾级而上,怀着蜕变的憧憬一步一步走向理想中的自己。分子链式灯光,犹如温柔的情绪粒子,释放于空气当中,带来安全与归属感。The space is divided into upper and lower two levels, level up, with the vision of transformation step by step towards the ideal of themselves.Molecular chain lights, like gentle emotional particles, are released in the air, bringing safety and a sense of belonging.

数张「贝壳椅」虚位以待,这是寓意「美丽重生」的聚汇与等待。Several "shell chairs" empty waiting, this is the meaning of "beautiful rebirth" gathering and waiting.

丰富而宽广的生活阅历,赋予美丽更隽永的底蕴。矜贵如你,值得「终身美丽」。大爱无痕,所有孕育妈妈都值得更专业的美丽呵护。「汝新美肌」让每一位女性,做更优雅自信的自己。Rich and broad life experience, to give the beautiful and more meaningful deposits.Preure expensive as you, worthy of "lifelong beauty".Big love without trace, all pregnant mothers are worthy of more professional beauty care."YE NEW SKIN " let every woman, be more elegant and confident of themselves.
D&M店与面,秉承“让零售创新更有趣有效”的设计理念,聚焦新零售领域的品牌升级以及空间创意体验设计。我们致力于在零售创意领域为不同行业的前瞻性客户,打造最顶级的零售空间创意体验和品牌营销推广的视觉设计。D&M adhering to the design concept of "making retail innovation more fun and effective" ,focus on brand upgrading and space creative experience design in the new retail field.We are committed to creating top-notch retail space creative experience and brand marketing visual design for forward-looking clients in different .industries,create top-notch visual design for retail space creative experience and brand marketing promotion.

平面动线图Plane diagram

Project name: YE NEW SKIN Flagship StoreCommissioned by: D&M (Guangzhou) Creative Design Co., LtdDesign Team: Jacky, Li Donghui, Sheng Wei, Zhou Qiongwei,Deng YeshanCompany website: http://www.shopvmd.com/Building area: 230㎡Visual: Li Fan, ChiliCopywriting: Kerry


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