解构与重塑——南京河西医美空间设计Deconstruction and reconstruction -- the space design ofnanjing Hexi beauty hospital “世界有360 度,何必局限于直线?” ——扎哈·哈迪德"Why limit yourself to straight lines in a 360-degreeworld?" "-- zaha hadid 南京青奥中心,是世界著名建筑师扎哈·哈迪德留给这座城市的一艘现代主义之船,前卫的几何结构表达出建筑的超现实尺度,多层次的流线则塑造出独具动感的抽象景观。 Nanjinginternational youth cultural centre, is a legacy of modernism left for thiscity by the world-famous architect Zaha Hadid. The avant-garde geometryexpresses the surreal scale of the building, and the multi-level streamlinescreate a unique dynamic abstract landscape. 设计师于该建筑中成就一处自由、开放又充满艺术气息的人文构想。在完成了一次对“解构主义”的完美致敬的同时,也成就了一次对商业模式的全新探索。Designer created a free, open and artistichumanistic conception in the building. While completing a perfect tribute to“deconstruction”, it also made a new exploration of the business model. 建筑曲线的柔美,是作为专注于探寻美与创造美的高端医疗整形机构——河西医美将新址选于此的原因之一;于此同时,也给室内空间的设计重塑,带来了极大的挑战,最终登胜设计以大胆前卫的设计理念,在众多设计单位中脱颖而出。The soft beauty of the architectural curve is oneof the reasons why Hexi beauty hospital, a high-end medical plastic surgeryinstitution focusing on the exploration and creation of beauty, chose this newsite. At the same time, also to the interior space design remodeling, brought agreat challenge, the final DeeSen design with bold avant-garde designconcept, in many design units stand out. “以变美为中心”是河西医美所坚持的核心价值理念,也是登胜设计希望经由环境所传达出的主题。那么,如何将空间当前存在的劣势通过设计转化为视觉焦点?对此,登胜设计有自己的解答方式。“Focus on beautify" is the core value concept that NanjingHexi beauty hospital adheres to, and also the theme that DeeSen hopes to conveythrough the environment. Then, how to transform the current disadvantages ofspace into visual focus through design? In this regard, DeeSen has its own wayof answering. 前台接待区的面积超过了一百平方米,偌大的空间让三米的层高优势不复存在,为了重塑其丰富的场景体验,设计团队采用了“虚拟空间”的处理手法。将整个天花做成镜面的不锈钢吊顶,利用镜像的手段延伸出折叠的意象,挣脱建筑结构的桎梏,让空间在动态的虚幻里产生游离,投射出光影的韵律感。 The reception area covers more than one hundred square meters, andthe huge area makes the three-meter height’s advantage disappear. In order toreshape the richness of the scene, the design team chose to use an surprisingmethod called the "virtual space". The whole ceiling is made ofstainless steel with the surface of mirror. The images in the mirror extend thespace in an endless way and break away from the shackles of the buildingstructure, letting the space drift away in a dynamic illusion, and project therhythm of light and shadow. 起伏的墙面以及长达八米的前台,都采用了阴刻的装饰手法,营造出科幻气质的未来感,镜面、墙面相互成像,引出“水波涟漪”般的形象联想,仿佛如一座遗世独立的岛屿。The undulating walls and the eight-meter-long front desk are allinlaid with intaglio decoration techniques to create a futuristic sense ofsci-fi temperament. The mirrors and walls are casting beautiful reflectionswith each other,which leading to an imageof “water ripples”, making you feel that it is an isolated island. 金色的圆环吊灯悬挂得错落有致,反射出明亮的光泽,提升了空间的艺术质感,且“圆”的意象是设计者为空间提取出的主视觉,寓意圆满,希望每一个前来问诊的人,都能够拥有机会去遇见更加完美的自己。The golden ring chandelier hangs in a patchwork, reflecting thebright luster, enhancing the artistic quality of the space, and the"circle" image is the key vision that the designer extracts for thespace, meaning the perfection, hoping everyone who ever visit the hospitalcouldhave the opportunity to meet abetter self. 通向接待大厅洽谈区的路径,是一处弧形的隧道,用光影将内外切割成两处相互独立的空间。The path leading to the negotiation area is an arc tunnel, cuttingthe whole place into two independent areas using light and shadow. 整个室内设计从女性的消费心理出发,以时尚跳跃的视觉呈现、自由对接的功能分区、注重情感和直觉的氛围营造,来契合女性消费者的多元化生活方式,并将这种轻奢质感的理念无缝贯穿在空间的始终。 The whole interior designcaters to the psychology of female consumers, with a vivid fashional visualpresentation, the functional partition of free docking, and the atmosphere ofemotion and intuition to meet the diversified lifestyle of female consumers,and seamlessly penetrates this kind of light luxury quality concept throughoutthe space. 内里沿袭前台区域的空间逻辑,继续使用不锈钢镜面吊顶。“圆”的意象依旧是空间的测量尺度,镶嵌在不锈钢天花的半圆形艺术装置,通过投影变成了一个个大小不一,方向各异的整圆,营造出轻盈的漂浮感受,浑全充融,森罗万象,仿若见山不是山。The inner place follows the spatial logic of the reception areaand continues to use stainless steel mirrored ceilings. The image of"circle" is still the measurement scale of space. The semicircle artinstallation embedded in the stainless steel ceiling is transformed into awhole circle of different sizes and directions through the projection, creatinga light floating feeling. 金属质感的圆形茶几,抽象切割的艺术画作,扎哈知名的月亮沙发成为流动的纽带,将室内与建筑的界限模糊开来,建构出实用体验与美学意象共存的复合功能空间。白金色调串联起“圆”的概念,用通透而柔和的方式营造出舒适的场景体验,一抹静谧的蓝成为跳脱呼吸节拍的存在。Metal textured round tea table, abstract cutting art painting andZaha's famous moon sofa become flowing bonds, blurring the boundary betweeninterior and architecture, and constructing a compound functional space wherepractical experience and aesthetic image could coexist. The concept of “circle”in white and gold creates a comfortable spacial experience in a transparent andsoft way, and a quiet blue becomes the presence of a breathless beat. 作为“解构主义大师”扎哈的遗作,南京青奥中心所承载的艺术价值是不言而喻的。而其结构中复杂的流线与支撑,也毫无疑问地成为改造过程中的巨大挑战。艺术与审美总是互为倒影,游离在真实与虚拟之间,而人,才是衡量建筑与空间的最终尺度。 As the legacy of "deconstructionist master" Zaha Hadid,the artistic value of Nanjing internationalyouth cultural centre is self-evident. The complex streamlines andsupport columns in its structure are undoubtedly a huge challenge in thetransformation process. Art and aesthetics always reflect each other, freebetween reality and virtuality, and human beings are the ultimate measure ofarchitecture and space.