新作 | 环球融创·江口水镇 清心禅韵 沉静雅致
本帖最后由 成都九度设计 于 2021-3-10 16:12 编辑本案位于“千里岷江第一镇”——四川彭山江口水镇,毗邻彭祖山景区,坐享一江两河资源优势,打造融生态、旅游、人文等一体的清雅之居。This project, situated in Jiangkou, Pengshan, Sichuan Province, adjacent to Pengzu Mountain Scenic Area, and enjoying resource advantages, is a simple and elegant residence project combing ecology, tourism, and humanities.
以“一”字户型为设计主题,结合自然材质与手作器具艺术,配以空间构造装饰,打造极富清雅禅韵的度假空间。A holiday space alive with Zen rhyme is built, by taking the Chinese character "一" as the design theme of the house type, employing natural materials and handmade appliance art, and applying spatial structure decoration.
禅意空间追求纯粹与本真,方正的格局与质朴的装饰,去伪求真,溯本求源,在深浅不一的木质材质中勾勒空间层次,呈现自然且不乏清逸淡雅的艺术品位。Commensurate with such a Zen rhyme space are pureness and authenticity. Therefore, square pattern and plain decoration are used to highlight the true and the original, with spatial layers delineated in different shades of wood to set off the owner’s natural, elegant artistic taste.
人心的质朴世界是一种普世的美,将古老原始的树木制作成木色家具,为空间增加一丝温润的感受 ,结合竹编手工艺,制作成具有细节感的藤制家具,让整个空间都弥漫自然休闲的气息。Knowing that the unsophisticated world of the human mind creates a universal beauty, the designer uses old, original trees to produce wood colored furniture, adding a touch of warmth to the space. Cane furniture, the crystallization of bamboo weaving handicraft with pursuit of perfection embodied in details, fills the whole space with the mood of natural leisure.
禅意空间讲究内心的平和,楼梯木饰面的运用,与整体风格融合,室外光线与空间线条交织出明暗色彩,丰富空间层次的同时赋予空间灵动的艺术美。Zen rhyme space echoes inner peace. The use of wood veneer of stairs fits the overall style. The exterior light interweaves with the spatial lines to create light and shade, enriching the spatial dimensions, and endowing the space with an ethereal, artistic beauty.
柜体木饰面与棉质布艺并用,渲染质朴之风,我们旨在打造自然本身的宁静,摒弃传统现代化的设计,将古老建筑进行创新和演变,不规则顶面赋予空间原始气息,融入自然,体悟清心禅韵。Cabinet wood veneer plus cotton cloth art highlight a simple, pure style. As we embrace only the serenity of nature, traditional and modern designs are both abandoned. In addition to innovation and evolution of old buildings, the irregular top surface also breathes a primitive atmosphere into the space, thus making the space a part of nature for the residents to pursue Zen enlightenment.
静谧安逸的度假风格与利落简约的现代艺术融合,在山水环绕之地,或对弈煮茶,或久别重逢的相聚闲聊,皆可品味低调的优雅与诗意的浪漫。Thanks to the marriage of quiet and comfortable vacation style and neat and simple modern art, the land surrounded by mountains and rivers becomes an ideal destination for playing go (Weiqi), drinking tea, friends gathering, and appreciation of elegance and poetic romance.
远离车马喧嚣,一方静室便是心之所往,布艺装点渲染质朴自然。大面积木质地板的使用,与顶部异形屋顶呼应,将人与空间、自然连接,凸显别具一格的艺术表达。For a heart eager to stay away from the bustle and hustle of urban life, a quiet room is what is needed, where there are fabric art to create a rustic and natural mood, large area of wooden floor to echo the shaped roof on top, a harmony between man, space and nature, and the unique artistic expression.
自然之境,不止于荒野与苍茫,更因现代审美的融入而更凸显禅意的风骨与智慧,除却繁冗雕饰,用简约质朴的艺术表达,勾勒出美好生活篇章,沁润清心度假时光。A land of nature is more than wilderness and vastness. Further, it comprises the character and wisdom of Zen highlighted by the integration of modern aesthetics. Free of excessive carvings, only simple and pure artistic expression is applied to write the chapters of a good life, and deliver a mind-purified vacation experience.
项目名称:环球融创·江口水镇甲方单位:环球融创项目类型:精品民宿项目面积:168㎡设计时间:2020年8月竣工时间:2020年12月硬装设计:成都九度装饰设计有限公司设计团队:成都九度设计方案设计中心甲方团队:邹华彬、何利项目摄影:404NF STUDIO工作室
Project name:Global Sunac Jiangkou WatertownParty A:Global SunacProject type:Boutique B&BProject area:168㎡Design time:August 2020Completion time:December 2020Hard outfit design:Chengdu Nine Dimensions Design Co., Ltd.Design team:Chengdu Nine Dimensions Design Program CenterParty A's team:Zou Huabin, He LiProject photography:404NF Studio
允傲儿 发表于 2021-6-23 18:28
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