CHAO | 百年"黄天源"
本帖最后由 feier0621 于 2021-2-23 19:55 编辑“一代代中国人用心赋予食物以灵性,他们将厚重的历史文化和植根华夏民族内心深处的情怀,凝聚在食物中,做出了最精彩的点心。”
Huang Tianyuan, foundedin 1821, has a history of 200 years.At the beginning, HuangQiting, a native of Cixi, Zhejiang Province, set up a zongzi stall in dutingbridge, Dongzhong city. Zongzi is of good quality and good business. Afterseveral years of operation, they rented a small house at duting bridge and setup Huang Tianyuan cake Group shop. After a hundred years of inheritance anddevelopment, it has become a well-known "cake Group king".
In the1930s, Huang Tianyuan entered Guanqian Street in Suzhou. After two renovations,he began to form a traditional shop appearance that remained unchanged fordecades.
With thecontinuous changes of the market, customers have new requirements for spaceexperience, so it is particularly important for more "time-honored Chinesebrands" to seek survival and transformation in the new market environment.This time, Chao accepted Huang Tianyuan's entrustment to create a new spaceexperience for Huang Tianyuan's new generation stores.
“我们一直以对传统文化的敬畏之心,重塑百年老字号的昔日荣光。”—— CHAO 设计合伙人梁飞 王星
Puren, the youngerbrother of the last Chinese emperor Aixinjueluo Puyi, wrote the inscription"Huang Tianyuan cake Group king", the famous calligrapher XieXiaosi's "famous Chinese snack", and the famous calligrapher YangDingmei's "rice glutinous cake fragrance" above the entrance.
“ 01 作坊始于作坊而终于作坊
HuangTianyuan, one of the first batch of "intangible cultural heritage"traditional pastry production techniques in Jiangsu Province in 2009, inheritsthe century old traditional pastry production pattern of "shop in front ofshop, shop in back of shop, and sell as you go". In addition, he also addsSuzhou style pastry production techniques exhibition area, "intangiblecultural heritage" inheritor performance area, as well as various pastryself selection area, gift pastry Suzhou local products sales area and otherfunctional areas Domain.
“ 02 历史200年的历史洗礼,如卷轴铺开的历史长卷
Space is not only a placewhere products are displayed, but also a place for cultural and historicalheritage. Through the re carding of two hundred year historical brands, thecultural refinement of their important development nodes runs through the wholespace.
“ 03 结构传统符号演绎的糕团迷宫
As one of therepresentatives of Suzhou's most traditional cuisine, "HuangTianyuan" cake Group is popular in the market. The large-scale pastrydisplay device set up in the space is inspired by the wooden structure oftraditional ancient buildings. In 26 large and small transparent acrylic boxes,nearly 800 classic pastry produced by Huang Tianyuan are placed. Under thereflection of stainless steel mirror on the top, a crisscross pastry world isformed. It is also a new visual communication under the new market and newcrowd demand.
“ 04 技艺传统制糕的工艺是展开的场景故事
Huang Tianyuan, as thefirst batch of "intangible cultural heritage" brand of traditionalcake making techniques in Jiangsu Province in 2009, should inherit its cakemaking techniques in its space field. On the glass surface of the"intangible cultural heritage exhibition area", a series of cakemaking techniques are springing up in the space, so that the invisibletechniques can be reproduced and inherited.
January Lantern Festival,February back-up cake, March Qingming group, April fairy cake, may Dragon BoatFestival dumpling, June xiezao group, July cowpea cake, August Shici group,September Chongyang cake, October pumpkin group, November winter solsticegroup, December sugar New Year cake. Huang Tianyuan's seasonal special cakesare very popular.
“ 05 言语在场景中寻找内心深处的对话
The greatest art in theworld and the best weapon of conquest is language. Human progress andcivilization begin with language communication. Words about Suzhou flavor canbe seen everywhere in the space, which is the warmth that space gives people.Here, everyone can find the inner dialogue.
项目名称:百年“黄天源”项目业主:苏州黄天源食品有限公司项目地点:江苏,苏州观前街项目面积:330m2空间设计单位:CHAO巢羽设计事务所项目设计总监:梁飞王星参与设计师:易航飞 吴陶锴品牌视觉:BOBRAND 播朴蓝设计机构使用材料:木饰面,镜面不锈钢,水磨石,亚克力,定制食模设计周期:05/2020-10/2020施工周期:12/2020-02/2021摄影师: Song images建筑摄影周浪行
关于巢羽 | ABOUT CHAO 巢羽设计事务所由王星、梁飞联合创立于2017年,是一家专注空间创意设计的事务所。CHAO | 巢羽期望通过适度材料的运用,深度文化的挖掘,厚度的价值呈现,为不同行业的客户提供高级的室内空间策划与设计。巢羽秉持严谨的职业态度、全面的项目管控模式,从设计前期到方案策划,施工管理,软装控制到项目竣工,全程深度介入,让设计理念贯穿项目始终,通过多元化的空间作品呈现全新设计态度的企业。
所获奖项丨Awards 2020法国“双面神”设计大奖民宿空间银奖2020 “ID+G金创意奖”民宿设计类金奖2020 “华鼎奖”民宿空间金钻奖2020“金堂奖”年度杰出酒店空间设计2019法国“双面神”设计大奖民宿空间银奖2019 “金腾奖”年度最佳酒店空间2019“金堂奖”年度杰出酒店空间设计2019 “ID+G金创意奖”民宿设计类金奖2019“ID+G金创意奖”餐饮设计类国际创新设计奖2019 “华鼎奖”民宿空间金奖2019 “艾特奖”酒店设计银奖2018 “金堂奖”餐饮空间优秀奖2项2018 “金腾奖”TOP1002018IWF国际健身空间设计大赛优秀奖2018 “艾舍奖”餐饮空间设计金奖
这造价不低吧,好多订制 {:1_142:}{:1_142:}{:1_142:}{:1_142:}{:1_142:}顶起来~~