薛DESIGN | 壹二貮一事务所《越.时空》
本帖最后由 薛Design 于 2020-9-15 12:36 编辑Project Name|项目名称越.时空Project location|项目区位江苏南通 Design Director|设计总监薛鸿昌designer|设计师吴梦婕Space photography|空间摄影双鱼摄影24格 FRAMES STUDIO
鳞次+栉比的结构变化Structural changes in rows
整体的空间一层一层的递进从平面到抬高到二层的区域三个层次循序渐进The whole space is progressive from one level to anotherfrom the plane to the area raised to the second levelthree levels are gradual
深绯+墨绿的色彩碰撞Dark Fei + dark green color collision
红绿色搭配配色呼应集聚冲击力成为空间中的亮点In the environment of warm yellow light sourceMatching red and green with color matchingGathering impact force becomes the highlight of space
入门处选用镜面不锈钢作为装饰映射了这些丰富的装饰能够最大的提高视觉冲击力拓宽视野的同时丰富空间的层次感Stainless steel mirror is used as decoration at the entranceThese rich decorations are reflectedCan maximize the visual impactWhile broadening our horizonsRich space sense of hierarchy
唐朝+现代的设计格调Tang Dynasty + modern design style
设计师将唐朝元素的形式融入本案结合软装饰品、灯具打造出一个疏落有致的用餐空间给人移步换景的视觉美感The designer integrated the form of Tang Dynasty elements into this caseCombined with soft decoration, lamps and lanternsCreate a scattered dining spaceThe visual beauty of moving scenery
围绕唐朝盛世的元素通过餐座上方的宫灯抬高区域的屋檐瓦片顶面悬挂的诗句长虹玻璃隔断等装饰排列出空间内部的高低错落感同时通过墙面上的仙鹤壁纸等强调唐朝元素和文化In the design of spaceThe elements surrounding the prosperous Tang DynastyThrough the palace lantern above the dining seatEaves tiles in raised areasPoems hanging from the topChanghong glass partition and other decorationArrange the sense of high and low in the spaceAt the same time, through the crane wallpaper on the wallEmphasizing the elements and culture of the Tang Dynasty
奔赴一场唐朝之约Go to a contract of Tang Dynasty
1221 SPACE品牌 创立于2017年,是一个由多元化专业的青年新锐设计师组成的综合设计团队,设计的作品致力于追求原创,主张多变性及创新性,主张建筑与室内空间设计的一体化。设计并无界限,世界也是多维的存在,设计不会单纯以类别存在其中。 主要业务以商业,私宅,民宿设计等为主。年轻的我们不拘一格,为了设计而生活。