薛DESIGN | 壹二貮一事务所《匆匆那年》
本帖最后由 薛Design 于 2020-4-1 17:29 编辑设计初心我们就这个名字赋予了它新的灵魂穿越自由,随意At the beginning of design, we gave it a new soul by this namePass through
Free, free
星空的概念,有很多异形的结构现代与复古相互结合,通过色彩的变化冲击视觉就是很简单很自然的表达着,随意、随性、随心,如既定般自由The concept of the starry sky has many different structuresThe combination of modern and retro, through the change of color impact on visionIt's a very simple and natural expression. It's free, casual, and free.
从这个三角形的点看过去,一个异形的结构穿越到另外一个空间很神秘”以形写神“的发挥和具体化,似乎更适合形象传达From the point of this triangle, we can see that in the past, a special-shaped structure passes through another spaceIt seems to be more suitable for image communication because of the development and concretion of "mysterious" spirit written in form
两个半圆形卡座相互镜像,将“行”作为“神”的外观,并适时以“气”融之,从而塑造出有生命的轮廓。The two semicircle bases mirror each other, take "Xing" as the appearance of "God", and melt it with "Qi" in time, thus forming a living outline.
在4D全系投影下享受美食,这里实现了,更多的高科技融入于餐厅内,别有一番趣味Enjoy delicious food under the 4D full range projection. It's realized here. More high-tech is integrated into the restaurant. It's interesting
百老汇的既视感,柔和的光线,让红色和蓝色相互撞击,点滴的细腻深浅变化,极具仪式感。The sight and soft light of Broadway make red and blue collide with each other. The delicate depth of each drop makes it very ceremonial.
· 项目坐标|中南百货
· 项目面积|450平米
· 设计机构|薛DESIGN壹二貮一事务所
· 设计主创|薛鸿昌
· 参与设计|轩辕云凯
· 空间摄影|双鱼摄影
· 微 博|薛DESIGN空间设计事务所
· 公众号 |薛DESIGN空间设计
· 联系方式|13083566668(戴先生)
·微信 | xuehongchang
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