大舍空间 | 合肥·风清社 Fengqing Society
本案位于合肥中心经济圈融创壹号院商业中心,以“月落春山,秋水共长”之理念,于云端之上,邂逅自然秘境。是明月松间照,清泉石上流的空灵寂静;是偶然值林叟,谈笑无还期的恬淡悠远。This case is located in the commercial center of Sunac No. 1 Courtyard in the economic circle of Hefei Center. It is based on the concept of "falling spring mountains and growing autumn water together" on the cloud and creating a natural secret. It is the picture of the bright moon and the pines, and the ethereal silence of the upper Qingquan stone.设计上汲取东方雅致意趣,将温婉优雅、精致极简暗藏于内,独领东方式美学风雅。整个室内空间化繁为简,摒弃繁琐与沉闷,将山、石、草、木、流水等平常之物,以自然意象呈现古朴的意境。The design draws on the oriental elegance and taste, concealing the gentle and elegant, exquisite minimalism, and leading the eastern style aesthetics. The entire interior space is reduced to simplicity, abandoning the tediousness and dullness, and presenting the simple mood of nature with natural images such as mountains, stones, grass, wood and flowing water.
它描述了繁华与静谧并存的东方哲学,旨在平衡看似矛盾的二者,能身处都市不被喧嚣琐事烦扰,又不违背自然初心,领略清幽雅致。屏蔽喧嚷远离都市,只是形式上的隐士,而置身于都市喧嚣也能淡然处之,同时使得身处其中的人获得精神与心理上的放松。It describes the oriental philosophy in which prosperity and tranquility coexist. It aims to balance the seemingly contradictory ones, and can live in the city without being disturbed by the hustle and bustle, without violating the original intention of the nature, and enjoying the quiet and elegant. Shielding the hustle and bustle away from the city is only a form of hermit, and being in the hustle and bustle of the city can also be indifferent, and at the same time, people who are in it can get spiritual and psychological relaxation.
The public part and the guest room are removed from the complex decoration and return to simplicity, with natural texture as the main color, and partly dotted with green vegetation, creating a calm and relaxing atmosphere. The simple and elegant atmosphere of the room shows a comfortable mood.
空间设计丨Interior Design: 安徽省大舍空间设计陈设设计丨Furnishing Design: 安徽省大舍空间设计 项目主创丨Project Master:赵 胜 、李小杰 项目性质丨Project Nature:商业空间设计项目地址丨Project Address:安徽 · 合肥面积丨Square Meters:800平米
平面是否可以学习下。 桃花朵 发表于 2020-1-9 10:57
那是格栅板 是铝板 墙身木条在哪能订做?方案挺喜欢